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Leopold Arona Bakhoum

Leopold Arona Bakhoum


  • RLS-year 2017

CV from Leopold Arona Bakhoum

Leopold Arona Bakhoum
Leopold Bakhoum studied Physics in Karlsruhe at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT) between 2009 und 2014. While writing his diploma thesis he participated in research projects of the Institute Of Nanotechnology at the research center of Karlsruhe. Between 2015 und 2017 he worked as a teacher at a high school and as a lecturer at a university for applied science.
Mr. Bakhoum aims to propose during his researches a mathematical model that uses quantum physics methods to determine the equilibrium between supply and demand of fluctuating renewable energy resources in the intraday electricity market.

Short description of the doctoral thesis:

“Modeling the stochastic dynamic due to fluctuating renewable energy sources in electricity intraday markets: an approach inspired by quantum physics”
The need to introduce fluctuating renewable energy sources (RER) in the energetic mix has not only helped to keep electricity prices down but also has increased the degree of randomness within the electricity spot markets. For suppliers and consumers forecasting the electricity market spot price is resumed in solving a probabilistic problem in which the rapidly fluctuating portion of RER represents an important stochastic variable. This project aims to propose a solution for such a probabilistic problem by establishing a differential equation that describes the temporal evolvement of the intraday electricity market (IEM). This differential equation should produce, as a solution, a probability mass function (PMF) that gives the occurrence probability of any intraday market price and level of consumption at any given time. For instance, let’s assume that there is a PMF that describes the distribution of all possible market states (prices and level of consumption at a given time) within an IEM for a given time frame. The room of relevant states in the price and consumption level’s plane would be automatically determined by the area with higher probabilities of occurrence. Thus, all relevant intraday market’s information will be pooled in a single PMF. With this a more accurate average forecasting price as well as a forecasting error interval can be calculated. Our model will positively affect the use of RER in following ways:
  • The marketability of (RER) will be considerably improved. 
  • Suppliers and retailers (consumers) can manage their portfolio more flexibly, more accurately and more confidently. 
  • The whole power system will benefit from an accurate short-, mid- and long term forecasting. 
  • Both the marketing and the physical potential of RER will be used at their maximum in term of efficiency in dispatch, balancing and production capacity.