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Reiner-Lemoine-innovation and start-up prize

Creating renewable energy systems together

Reiner-Lemoine-innovation and start-up prize

Together with the Entwicklungs- und Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Anhalt-Bitterfeld mbH, the RLS has been sponsoring an innovation and start-up prize worth 2,000 euros since 2012. This is awarded annually to companies for their special commitment.

Following in the footsteps of Reiner Lemoine, the foundation supports personal initiative, courage, original business ideas and entrepreneurial success with this prize.

Dialogue with the politics

Science and research have an essential purpose. It is crucial that the knowledge gained can also have an impact.

The focus of the RLS activities on shaping the energy system means that the topics are relevant daily on the one hand and have to find a socio-political application on the other.

Based on this understanding, the Foundation also enters into dialogue with political decision-makers and actors from the pre-political sphere. One example of this is a political discussion on the energy system transformation.

PV Think Tank

The PV Think Tank is a loose association of experts who have been working on the future of photovoltaics for ten years in around 50 workshops. It is supported by the commitment of its members and by the Haleakala Foundation and the Reiner Lemoine Foundation.

Among other things, the PV Think Tank published an impulse paper in 2021 that shows how "10+ gigawatts of photovoltaics per year" can be added and what measures the German government must take to achieve this.

The RLS is a member of the Climate Alliance Germany

The Reiner Lemoine Foundation is a member of the Climate Alliance. The Climate Alliance Germany is a climate protection alliance of about 140 member organisations that advocates ambitious climate policies and a successful energy transition at all levels. It actively collaborates on studies on and concepts for the coal phase-out, climate policy, mobility transition, energy transition, agricultural transition, efficiency transition and climate-related migration. The Climate Alliance also organises events such as the "German Action Days on Sustainability" and provided the online election compass on the climate for the 2021 federal elections.

We, the RLS, aim to strengthen alliances and participate in shaping climate policy and the energy system transition through cooperation and networking.

Projects of the RLS

The main activities of the Reiner Lemoine Foundation include the implementation of the scholarship program and the funding of the Reiner Lemoine Institute. In addition, since its founding, the foundation has supported a number of projects on a selective basis and is supporting projects from the circle of scholarship holders.

RLS Tandem Projects: Former and current scholarship holders have the opportunity to apply for funding to the Foundation. Jointly funded projects or research projects that serve to network and are thematically aligned with the orientation of the RLS are supported.

Other sponsored projects: In addition, RLS has occasionally sponsored several educational and development aid projects as well as activities of the World Future Council Foundation, the "Energie in Bürgerhand" campaign and the Energy Watch Group.

Projects of the RLS